Friday, March 02, 2007

Another Case of Annthrax

Maybe it’s time the SJ-R reconsider publishing this shrew’s tripe. Today at a conference of conservatives Ann Coulter had this to say before the audience:
"I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word ‘faggot,’ so I — so kind of an impasse, can’t really talk about Edwards."
By all means, we need to keep her column for insights like this. There needs to be an anti-faggot voice in Springfield media. The pro-faggot side shouldn’t be allowed to dominate the conversation.

Update: The “liberal” media doesn’t care that Ann Coulter publicly called John Edwards a “faggot”. Gosh, I wonder what would have happened if, say, Bill Maher or Keith Olberman or Michael Moore had gone before a public gathering and declared George Bush to be a “faggot”.


Anonymous said...

I am not condoning what Coulter said, she crossed the line. But the liberal left is constantly calling Bush insulting names too.

Whoopi Goldberg called Bush a pussy, others have referred to him as Hitler, and the list goes on. My point is that both sides do this all the time.

JeromeProphet said...


Liberals in general tend not to employ attacks against homosexuals in political speeches.

And if one does then that person deserves the torrent of criticism due to them.

Coulter was using hatred of an entire group of people - it's called bigotry - to slander another person for political gain.

She's making a statement beyond just slamming Edwards, she's saying it's o.k. to hate homosexuals.

We conservatives are oppressed people, but I will lead you to the promised land of hatred for homosexuals, and a land in which calling a person we don't like a homosexual, and all that that implies, is o.k. - not like we don't do it anyway right?

This is her schtick, she's a hater. She's really an evil person using evil to gain influence, and most importantly to make money.

Calling "W" a pussy? There's no comparison.


Anonymous said...


I am a conservative and I do not hate faggots, niggers, and jews like you suggest in your first comment. You suggest that all conservatives think alike. That is not true. I try not to make generalizations, although I admit I sometimes do, about groups.

I think you are using the comments of one person, Ann Coulter, to slander an entire group of people. I dont think that is fair.

Anonymous said...


Yes, I recall that I made those comments about your extended family. Honestly, I did not believe you at the time and wrote that just to stir trouble. I do indeed apologize.

Not defending what I said, as it was wrong of me to say those things anyway you look at it; but, if you recall I was the recipient of personal attacks myself for having a pro-war view. Specifically, I was called shit for brains, was told to eat shit, and was called a xenophobe, those are the only ones that I remember, but there were more. Now I was called those names (simply for taking the views that I did) long before I dropped down into the gutter and started using those terms. So, those names I used were direct responses for the personal attacks on me. I am not saying that I was right for using them; I was wrong and should have been more mature. (plus, I suspect alcohol was involved.)

Now, I have visited your site in the past, but have not posted there except maybe one time. I do not have a copyright on my blog name, so it certainly could have been someone else. ( I would bet geek_guy if I had to.) So, I wont take responsibility for those accusations.

I am more than willing to have a civil discussion on any topic and am not as far right as you think. ( I support Obama for one.) Plus, don’t you think it is more interesting to have other points of view. What is interesting, is that whenever, I join a more liberal blog, it has been my experience, that I am the one who is typically the brunt of personal vulgar attacks. But I have been toughened up over the years and can take it.

I just want to try to enjoy this site, (and Dave, I promise, no vulgar slurs) and maybe we can all learn something.

Blevins, by the way, do you know what happened to several of the regulars from the JLS blog?

So I hope I have cleared things up and I hope you do accept my apology for the comments about your family

Take care,

Anonymous said...


thank you for the apology and I accept it. Feel free to visit my blog if you ever get the hankerin.

Anonymous said...

Update: The “liberal” media doesn’t care that Ann Coulter publicly called John Edwards a “faggot”. Gosh, I wonder what would have happened if, say, Bill Maher or Keith Olberman or Michael Moore had gone before a public gathering and declared George Bush to be a “faggot”.

Well Bill Maher did not call Bush that name but he did say this: “I have zero doubt that if Dick Cheney was not in power, people wouldn’t be dying needlessly tomorrow….I’m just saying if he did die, other people, more people would live. That’s a fact.”

So let’s compare the 2 quotes to see how biased the media is:

I ran a google “news” search on these words: Bill Maher wishes Cheney dead: I received 3 hits

I ran Ann Coulter John Edwards faggot: I received 529 hits.

So, I would argue that the liberal media does care that Coulter said that and is using it as ammo to go after the GOP; while Bill Maher essentially calling for the death of the vice-president of the United States gets little coverage. (Heck even Tom Lennox didn’t want to kill the president even though he disagreed with his policies (umm that is my 24 reference))

Plus, yesterday, driving back to Chicago from Springpatch almost every news station I listened to on my XM radio was discussing the Coulter comments. Not really scientific research but it definitely shows, at least in this case, the slant.